Everyone Always Asks…Why the Name Bullet?
"In 1986, when I started my branding, graphic design and photography business, Bullet Communications (BulletCommunications.com / BulletFlashPhoto.com), I wanted a distinctive identity. I wanted a name that was bold and memorable. And since creating brand identities was my specialty, I needed a name that would translate into a powerful logo. After weeks of searching for the right name, and letting oodles of possibilities steep in my mind, one day, while chillin’ at Orphan’s Pub in Chicago, the word "bullet" suddenly surfaced from my mind. I knew instantly it was the perfect name. Bullet is a metaphor for all the things you want your communications to accomplish. Your marketing message needs to be on target, it has to communicate fast, your advertising needs to break through the clutter, and ultimately, your marketing efforts need to make an impact! Over time, I became synonymous with my brand to the point where everyone just referred to me as Bullet.”

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